Discover Your Inner Peace

A Drake Company is a business offering abuse survivor consulting, coaching and mentoring to help individuals reach inner peace after abuse. We provide comprehensive therapies tailored to each individual's needs. This is accomplished by creating a safe and nurturing environment designed specifically for your healing and growth. We use evidence-based practices and provide support through your life transitions. If you have been lost or disconnected, we are here to demonstrate how to discover the missing pieces of YOU! Together we will discover hope and build resilience to get your life back.

Our services

Emotional Support Coaching

Emotional Support Coaching

A service that offers compassionate, non- judgmental, emotional support for abuse survivors. This is the perfect environment to acknowledge and accept that you are not alone in the healing process. It is very crucial to have others who can relate to your mental and emotional state of mind. 

Faith Building

Faith Building

Belief in a higher power is the core of our motivation. We were not brought into this world alone; therefore, we shouldn't expect to make it through this life alone. The drive to continue taking one day at a time comes from our faith. Praying with others who can truly understand us is necessary to overcome our past trauma. While sympathy is great, empathy is mandatory for the progression of mental health improvement. 



Finding inner peace is not an easy task after being abused. Becoming one with yourself and completely accessing your inner thoughts and feelings is the beginning of healing. Healing requires SELF love, SELF awareness, SELF care, and SELF esteem... It is a much more difficult process when trying to do it alone.

Why Choose A Drake Company?

Connect with A Drake Company

For inquiries on our consulting, coaching, or courses, reach out to us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!

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As an abuse survivor, I realize that necessary services needed for our circumstances, are far and few between. That is why I founded A Drake Company. I provide a safe and comfortable space to share your experience with someone who can both sympathize and emphasize. A Drake Company provides one-on-one consulting,  mentoring, and coaching sessions via zoom or telephone. Live mental strengthening courses are also available per appointment. My mission is to empower survivors to take back control of their lives and find the strength to move forward. I am passionate about being dedicated to EVERY service I offer. I am beyond excited to meet with my clients.